Sunday, July 11, 2010

Livin' for the Weekend!

Well, there goes another weekend eh?

Today the band recorded demos of all complete songs (six [6] I think), and, as we were all hungover and hadn't had a mid-week practice, it was agony!

But I think they turned out alright (at least they will once Nic has fixed up all our fuck-ups with cubase!), so we can start working on vocals. Whoo!

I have two (2!) wisdom teeth giving me hell at the moment aswell! Damn!

Here's some digicam photos I took over the weekend (didn't get a chance to develop my wide angle SLR shots...)

First one is of the highway, using one of the shitty filters on my Ixus. The second one is of Duke (my cat) and demonstrates his obsession with dangly things (in the case of this photo, the lanyard on the camera). Enjoy.

Go and listen to'Star Witness' by Neko Case

1 comment:

  1. luv the Duke photo and the night pix is awesome!!
